Bel - The name Bel comes from the Akkadian bēlu meaning "lord" or "master". It is a title, and an epithet applied to many Gods who may be identified as "Lord" including Enlil, Marduk and Malak. The Feminine form is Belit. Bel is cognate with Ba'al.

Hera - Hera, Queen of Heaven
Hera ( Ἥρα), Hēra is one of the Olympian Gods, the Greek Sky Goddess of women and marriage and the wife of Zeus, the King of the Gods. Hera is associated with the Roman Goddess Juno.

Jupiter - In Roman mythology, Jupiter or Jove is the King of the Gods and the God of the sky and thunder. He has been associated with zeus of the Greek Pantheon.

Nut - Nut is the sky Goddess whose body forms the vault of sky over the earth. She is the sister and wife of Geb and mother of Isis, Osiris, Seth and Nephthys. At the end of each day, she swallows Ra and every morning gives birth to Him again.

Quetzalcoatl - Quetzalcoatl (pronounced Keh-tzal-coh-AH-tl) is the feathered serpent god of the Aztecs and Toltecs. He is a powerful and benevolent dragon-type entity associated with harvests, wild animals, the morning star (Venus), wind and rain. He is also a god of learning, reading, and books.

Shu - Shu is the ancient Egyptian God who holds up the arch of the sky (Nut) so that the Earth and Sky are separate.

Ukko - Ukko is the Finnish sky God and companion to Akka the Finish Goddess of fertility. When they embrace, thunder rumbles as he fertilizes her with rain. His name means "old man".

See Also

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